
Our customer service team is always there for you. Because you don’t want to wait with your question, we understand that all too well. Of course, our employees have to rest from time to time, but we are on call a lot.

Not 24/7, but 12/7. So every day, from 09:00 to 21:00. So feel free to call us, but you can also send us an email or an app. E-mails we usually answer within a few hours and on WhatsApp we are on almost all day. We are also online outside office hours. Want to know something, are you worried about something or have tips? We would love to hear from you.

Coriginal, Dorpstraat 144, 5504HM, Veldhoven
Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Learn more


We answer emails quickly: usually within a few hours!

During office hours, we also have WhatsApp: +316-1110 4004

From other countries: WhatsApp: +316-1110 4004

(This number can only be reached on WhatsApp)

Start a chat with the button on the website
We are online very often, even outside office hours!

Available: 7 days a week from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Other data:
Chamber of Commerce: 83395520
VAT id: NL862857843B01

We are proud to present some of the companies that have ordered from

Don’t worry. Design-Condoms are packed discreetly. We’ve got you covered.

Questions or looking for customized solutions? Our helpdesk is available for all your questions.


Due to vacations, orders will be shipped the week of August 5!
Wegens vakantie van de drukker worden orders verzonden in de week van 5 augustus!